Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:49 pm
Purpose Of This Site
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Purpose Of This Site
The purpose of this site is for people to use in many ways. A visit down memory lane for people who want to revisit the past or for people who want to look at a past before their time. A site of history and study for the one's with an interest in knowing and using that knowledge in helping with their breeding program. A place to discuss breeding of the Treeing Walker Breed and a place with a lot of source infomation at hand. Here you will find pictures and ads of hounds that a lot of people have never seen. In one place you will find a lot of information dealing with the History of the Treeing Walker Breed. If you have suggestions or pictures or ads or stories you feel would fit in this forum please email us and let us know. We will glady give credit to the ones who help. If you like this forum and it's intention tell others, if there is something you don't like please tell us....TO VIEW ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED. IT IS A SIMPLE AND EASY PROCESS. IF YOU DON'T SIGN OUT WHEN YOU LEAVE THE SITE YOU WILL BE LOGGED ON WHEN YOU COME BACK TO THE SITE. IF YOU AREN'T SIGNED IN THEN MANY OF THE SECTIONS OF INFORMATION WILL NOT EVEN SHOW UP AS YOU VISIT THE SITE. THE SPECIAL PICTURES AND AD SECTION CAN ONLY BE SEEN IF YOU ARE REGISTERED AND SIGNED IN. WE URGE ANYONE WHO HAS AN INTEREST IN THE HISTORY OF THIS GREAT BREED TO DO SO. IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERD YOU WILL NOT EVEN SEE THIS SECTION LISTED. ALSO THE 2nd PLACE IN ACHA WORLD HUNT SECTION AND NUMEROUS PLACINGS IN ACHA WORLD HUNT SECTION. THERE WILL BE FROM TIME TO TIME OTHER SECTIONS ADDED THAT ONLY REGISTERED MEMBERS WILL BE ABLE TO VIEW.
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- Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:23 pm
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